Manifesto to My Daughter

2009-01-12 -- 2:18 a.m.


One day I'll give birth to a tiny baby girl
And when she's born she'll scream
And I'll make sure
She never stops

I will kiss her before I lay her down
And tell her a story so she knows
How it is and how it must be for her to survive

I'll tell her about the power of water
The seduction of paper
The promise of gasoline
And the hope of blood

I'll teach her to shave her eyebrows
And mark her skin
I'll teach her that her body
Is her greatest work of art

I'll tell her to light things on fire
And keep them burning
I'll teach her that fire will not consume her
That she must take it and use it

I'll tell her to be tri-sexual, to try everything
To sleep with, fight with, and pray with anyone
As long as she feels something

I'll help her do her best work when it rains
I'll tell her to reinvent herself every 28 days

I'll teach her to develop all of her selves
The courageous ones
The smart ones
The dangerous ones
The fast ones
I'll teach her that she has an army inside of her
That can save her life

I'll tell her to say "fuck" like others say "the"
And when people are shocked
To ask them why they fear
So small a quartet of four letters

I'll make sure she always carries a pen
So she can take down the evidence
And if she has no paper, I'll teach her to
Write everything down on tongue
Write it on her thighs

I'll help her to see that she won't find God
In a dark brick building
Built by dead men

I'll expail to her that it's better to regret the things
She has done than the things she hasn't

I'll teach her to write her manifesto
On cocktail napkins

I'll say she should make men lick her enterprise
I'll teach her to talk hard
I'll tell her that her skin is the
Most beautiful dress she will ever wear

I'll tell her that people must earn the right
To use her nickname
That forced intimacy is an ugly thing

I'll make her understand that she is worth more
With her clothes on

I'll tell her that when the words finally flow too fast
And she has no use for a pen
That she must quit her job
Run out the house in her bathrobe
Leaving the door open
I'll teach her to follow the words

I'll tell her to stand up
And head for the door
After she makes love
When he asks her to stay
She'll say<
She's got to go

I'll tell her that when she first bleeds
When she is a woman
To go up to the roof at midnight
Reach her hands up to the sky and scream

I'll teach her to be whole, to be holy,
To be so much that she doesn't even
Need me anymore

I'll tell her to go quickly and never come back
I will make her stronger than me

I'll say to her, "Never forget what they did to you
and never let them know you remember."

Never forget what they did to you
And never let them know you remember.

Never forget what they did to you
And never let them know you remember.

- Unkown

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After a bit of a breakdown, and surgery to remove my gall bladder, I've returned to being my normal (if not more upbeat) self. I felt this diary was in desperate need of a makeover to continue this new-old outlook. It's January, I've just turned 20, and it is finally time to chart!